Monday 12 March 2018


Here is some audience feedback I got from my sister and my mum for rough cut 4. I asked specific questions which I wanted the answers to which were:

1. So, do you think the narrative/story line of the music video is clear?

2. Do you think the editing pace is good or you know how it cuts to the beat? - So you don't think anything was too repetitive, do you think it has variety?

3. Who do you think the target audience is for this video - so gender and age? 

4. Do you think that the video looks like it's from her point of view, kind of leading the story or not? - So you would think she is a main character not a secondary passive character?

5. So what do you think about the special effects in the video?

6. And also for the breakup scene where you see them argue, do you think it's too long at the moment, do you think it's too boring and drawn out? And also do you think it's too grainy? So you don't think it's too long and should be cut up a bit with different shots?


The feedback my mum + sister gave in this video was:
1. The narrative is clear - breakup between actress and a guy, shows the start and finish where they ended up

2. Editing pace consistent, flows really well, engrossed in it for the whole 3 minutes, the pace is really well, nothing repetitive, different effects bringing shots together. 

3. That the target audience is young, youth, 15-18, mixed genders, also that there were a good balance of boy + girl and both their emotions. 

4. The video looks like it's from her point of view, showing all her emotion, that the female character is the main character. 

5. That the special effects work really well. That there is a good variety with different locations and shots. That the layering is really clever, not samey, keeps the audience engrossed. 

6. That the breakup scene wasn't too long nor grainy. 

7. That when my sister was watching it, my mum was watching her watching it and was amazed by how engrossed she was while watching it, that watching someone watching it is quite an eyeopener for my mum because my sister was totally engrossed in the video + quite inspired or impressed with it + interested in what was happening. - My sister added in that she thinks the reason for her being so engrossed with it was down to the special effects because she works with video teams at work and she's never seen that kind of layering where it goes see-through. She'd never seen that before. 

8. That my mum really liked the special effects in the video and thought it was clever + creative for example on one of the underwater shots there is layering where the female character is swimming upside down on one side of the shot and then swimming not upside down the other side of the shot. She thought it really changed it up completely.

1. It's been really helpful to know who they think is the target audience for my video (females + males aged 15-18) because this is quite correct.  

2. I am still going to break up the long drawn out breakup scene, however, with some other shots of the couple breaking up even though my sister and my mum didn't think there was a problem with it. 

3. I am going to keep all the layering that I have in the video so far because clearly it got a great response from the audience and it's very striking and impressive to the audience - I will therefore add some more layering into my video. 

4. I am not going to mess with the editing pace much more I don't think due to this feedback, however, I still may make the section between 0:57-1:10 cut more faster to the beat while the beating is building up to the drop which is on the line "touching me gently". 

5. It's good and useful to know that the narrative I am trying to portray is coming across to the audience and that it is clear everything is from the female character's point of view. This is exactly what I wanted the audience to think. 

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