Thursday 18 January 2018

VODCAST 4: Journey Summary

Here is a vodcast I made with a trial student for A Level Media. I made this video to help me figure out what is missing on my blog at this current time and to help this girl trial student understand what A Level Media entails and what kinds of things you have to do in it. I summarise everything that I have done so far and everything I need to still do. I also explain about the music video production process and how I created my latest sample scene. 



  1. Excellent!
    I'll share this through Teams, exactly what I wanted to see.
    Just one quibble: don't post embedded content only, provide some contextualising text, as repeatedly flagged up!

  2. Because you're not tagging (and in this case haven't blogged at all?) I couldn't find a post on your Twitter/social media use to comment on. You haven't updated it since before Xmas; this should be a key resource for (a) the website (b) multiple R+P criteria and (c) especially Eval Qs on auds/techs. You've liked a lot of things with this account, many of which are in the style you can be posting (not the more risque visual material obviously). This is an easy win, make use of it!
    Pin down your viral concept, how that'll link dpak/vid/website - and there's another Eval Q massively boosted.
