Wednesday 7 June 2017


Signifier - Is a single detail we pick out which we think has symbolic meaning.
Denotation - Is a single detail we pick out which 
Connotation - The symbolic meaning of these factual details.
Intertextuality - The meaning of one text is tied to another, earlier text e.g. to fully understand 'Scary Movie' you'd have need to have seen 'Scream'. This can cause contested readings.
Artificial Light - A source  of light created by lighting equipment, rather than from natural sources.
Convention - A frequently used element which becomes standard.
Disequilibrium - The period of instability and insecurity in a film/video's narrative.
Equilibrium - A state of peace and calm, which often exists at the beginning of a film/video's narrative.
Genre - A system of film/music identification, in which films/music that have the same elements are grouped together.
Iconography - the objects within a film/video that are used to evoke particular meanings.
Mise-en-scene - A french term, which literally means 'put into the frame'. When analysing a sequence the term refers to everything you see in the frame (props, costume, lighting, colour, makeup etc.).

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