Monday 15 January 2018

MVID: Rough Cut 1


What I have changed since the last rough cut:

1 comment:

  1. 1: ALWAYS provide contextualising text for any post based on an embedded file. In the case of sample/rough cuts: what has changed since the last 1; what is still missing; any aspects which you're unsure over/are experimenting with; what are the issues you will focus audience feedback research on. Give time ranges
    2: for the next cut, put SOMETHING behind the greenscreen shots
    3: provide some still/s as well as titles to explain what will go into any blank sections
    4: Consider how infrequently you currently cut back to perf shots
    5: I expect a key theme you'll see from aud feedback is the lack of clear narrative material; quite limited depiction of the couple; maybe lacking precisely positioned shots to cross-fade where he's there then gone (or the couple is + the effect is of present evie looking on)
    6: We discussed the issues around the 'kissing/touching' scene/s: seeking to signify physical intimacy without being too overt on screen - but equally not too chaste either
    7: You'll have the opportunity for aud feedback with Y10 P3, Y12 P4, Y11 P6 Tuesday; be clear on what you want to focus on. You could cut a shorter section; you should feature some experimentation with the keyed layer
    8: You're filming breakup and kissing scene Weds; underwater and possibly outro scene still to do
